Current working hardware - Raspberry Pi 3, Copperhill PiCAN, Arduino Nano, Sparkfun Venus GPS, and a SanDisk USB drive
And now for something completely different.
New objective. Instead of recording the data to a thumb drive, we're going to stream the data from the can to a websocket. From there I can create an iOS app to connect to the Rpi and parse the data as needed. Node.js and will be used for the code. I'll also need to determine why I cannot use cansend() to display text on the dash yet. That is irking me lately.
There is also a new version of the PiCAN for the Raspberry Pi 4 here or here. It has a built in RTC which is freaking rad. I'll have to order a new Pi and one of these.
So programming when gps lines are crossed is not that simple. Been hammering on this for a few days now. If I've got two GPS points that make one line it's not really that simple. If there are four points it's not so bad. At some point you'll be inside the box. I think what needs to happen is I need to store the previous coords and evaluate the path drawn. If only there was a way to draw lines in html/css. I'm going to need this image.
Been a little while. I found something very interesting specifically for a Ducati. PZRacing Plug and play lap timer. From what I can tell it doesn't log the times just displays them on the dash. The price isn't horrible but I'm kinda interested in what it does. The functionality can be mimicked with and arduino and a GPS. Set up some predetermined GPS way points. At system start up, start a timer. When ever a way point is crossed, log the time and reset the timer. With this device it just displays it on the dash. Seems pretty simple.
A successful test. PTR day at Mid-Ohio was really good. For the data, I'm going give race render another shot. It seems that importing the the gps and the can data will be a bit easier to get it all together. With the Virb software I currently have to convert the nmea data to gpx then import it. RR will will simply import the nmea without converting it. I have a script that will conver the can data. That will need processed into a format that RR will accept, CSV, XLS, tab.
Real world test at Mid-Ohio on Monday the 21st. Hopefully the solar exlipse won't jack things up!
I have the Venus GPS running in 8Hz mode and it's humming a long. I'll have the code posted soon. The whole package seems to working pretty smoothly. I did have one issue with the usb stick when it was not present on start up all of the datafiles get placed into a directory on the system drive. Not that big of a deal but kinda of a PITA. I've ordered a RTC for the RPi Zero W. I'm planning on moving to that device. Half the size and just as good as the larger Pi.
Test two will have some camera footage. Tested sending the commands to bring the chip up to 20hz and it doesn't look like it's done anything. We'll find out later today. Most likely, I'm doing it wrong. The googles turned up this little gem today. 50hz! Insane. With the CANBUS on the same board. That's a lot of data. I'd like to get one to test it out. It may not have the flexibility of the RPi but still.
Soldered together, so far the arduino and gps are working well. I had a small problem on the first run, I had the baud rate for the serial terminal on the arduino set incorrectly. But a simple update of the code and burn and it's turning out some good data. With the powered antenna it looks like it's picking up a signal really quickly after getting power. It's not running at the full 20hz yet. I think it's closer to 2hz by default. I'll update that and retest.
Received both the new GPS chip and the new Arduino Mini to power it. The Arduino code is pretty light weight.
Got a first 'real' test with the CAN + GPS together. Just a ride to work and it seems to be a pretty good success. A 40+ minute ride generated 25M of data. The GPS file is not finalized yet. After the new GPS unit shows up I should have that nailed down. Then what to do with all this data. What I'm looking for is a video over lay to display the throttle, rpm, and reported wheel speed / reported gps speed. I should be able to take that data and generate an After Effects script file. Or create a Garmin Virb plug in. I'm not really sure that GoPro's app will accept custom plug in but I haven't really looked into it yet.
And my AdaFruit uGPS is dead. Completely dead. Next purchase is a unit from Sparkfun with an AdaFruit Trinket. SparkFun's Venus has 20hz update rate which is double that of the uGPS. I also ordered a 3.3volt Trinket. GPS → Tinket → RPi. This may get interesting. If the GPS is set to blast out data at 20hz and the Trinket runs at 8hz there could be some issues. I will most likely run the gps off a FTDI to usb into the RPi.
The past weekend I got a few miles in with the PiCan. Three plus hours of riding generated a 104M file. I've yet to parse through all of it. When the bike is turned
on the the can bus will power the PiCan An RPi. A start up script checks for a USB storage device and creates a log file there. This process seems to work pretty well.
I'm close to getting the gps (which is just an Arduino with the Adafruit uGPS shield) to fire up and dump it's data on the drive. The serial port isn't playing nice yet.
The gps is now dumping data into a datafile. The trick was to set the baud rate of the port before attemping to read from the port (stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200).
On the other hand, Copperhill who make the PiCan have created a PiCan with gps built
in It can't yet power the RPi from the canbus but the board has the traces for that module. The other nice thing here is it has an RTC with battery. If they could
only get this thing down to Pi Zero size.. they'd have my money. I may also connect a heart rate monitor to the Pi since it has bluetooth. Just to track "pucker" moments.
Also, the cases that I have everthing stuck in are from C4 For both the Arduinos and the Pi's
And I've killed one RaspberryPi. I replaced it with another. The board may have gotten zapped with static. The new board is humming along. Currently, I'm looking at switching back to the Arduino with an RTC and adding a GoPro Hero 5 with gps.
The Raspberry Pi B+ 2 & the PiCan Hat are working so far. It's kinda of a mess of data. I'm also using the Arduino & the Adafruit uGPS shield to handle the gps for now. So far the data is getting save to a USB thumb drive and so far it looks pretty good. The only issue that I really have is keeping time. The Pi doesn't include a real time clock. Sp I ordered a small one called a PiFace shim. It sits on the gpio pins between Pi and a hat. Shipping from the ebay seller is pretty slow, I'm not sure when this thing is going to show up.
Back on the RaspberryPi wagon. I ordered one of these. I'm still have some issues recording both the gps and the canbus data. The arduino just chokes on the data coming in. The arduino can do one or the other with no issues. But both and dump that data one a usb drive seems to be an issue. I'm also running into low memory issues when adding in the usb lib. I think a RPiA+ should do the drink. I also ordered an RTC to use with. Timecode issues are a PITA.
I've got a bit of a back log of video. The current software still has some issues. I can collect either the can data or the gps data but when combining them all hell breaks looks. I've also bought a usb host card to log all the data on a usb stick rather than the tiny microSD card. Usb keys are just eaiser to handle that those really really small and loseable sd cards.
First video with both the canbus and the GPS shield on youtube. It's almost a complete fail. My GoPro has eaten two SD cards and rendered them useless but I did get out and picked up a new one that is working. The Arduino was able to capture both the GPS and canbus data as expected. I'm still working on decoding that data. The GPS, well, I've got the code pulling only minimum requred NMEA sentences get a location. That text file get processed though GPSBable and imported into the Garmin Virb application. GPS Bable will take the nema sentences and create a .gpx file. Somewhere in that mix the ground speed was totaly jumbled.
I've had another brain fart, I'm really thinking of picking up a Garmin Virb Ultra 30 and using the Arduino 101's BLE to just stream the data to the camera. The canbus doesn't work with the 101 yet. There is a chunk of avr code in the canbus library that would need ported to compile with the 101. That could be next up.
The Current stack is The UNO, CANBus, and Ultimate GPS w/ extrn antenna. There are some issues. On the ugps shield pin 10 is used for the chip select for the SD card. That pin on the CANBus is used for the actual can chip. To remedy this I've ordered a USB interface card that will be used inplace of SD cards. I'm not fan of the SD cards anyway. They're pretty small and you need to carry an adapter to used them. Thumbdrive will be a better choice. Looks like a simple addition but there is a LOT of code. I may be pushing 66% or so of memory on the UNO. I could hit some walls there.
Changed things up a bit. Received a CANBus shield from Sparkfun. It will not work with the 101 (yet). So I'm back to using the UNO. I don't have any real working samples yet. I'm working on the sketch. It's not playing nice yet. I also recieved a gps antenna from Sparkfun. It will pick up a signal in seconds. It light years faster than the smaller antenna.
I'm looking at possibly moving the platform to a Raspberry Pi. I'd really like to be able to dump all the data onto a usb drive rather than the SD cards and leave the entire unit on the bike. With the Arduino the SD cards are the way it is. If there is a simple way to use a usb drive; I haven't found it yet.
I'm thinking the RasPi B+ is the way to go. The PiZero only has two usb, one for power and one for data. It's got the bluetooth and wireless. I would also like to just dump the data to a usb drive or a database. It would also handle both GPS and CAN data in multiple threads making possible to capture more data. More data is better, yea.
The lastest hardware used was the Adafruit Ultimate GPS with an Arduino Uno. It was not very successful in track testing. I'm not entirely sure how to boost the accuracy yet. I may need lower the sampling frequency to get better results. It's set at 10hz now. I can drop to 5hz or 1hz. And after looking at the notes I may have been doing it wrong. There may be some hope for this card yet.
Next purchase is the Canbus shield from Sparkfun. This will allow me to pull data directly from the bikes ODBII port. Here's the sample code. As 7/27/16 Sparkfun has these on back order. There are a few no name boards on the eBays. There is also some good info here. This is another library that uses the ODBII port with gps.
Here is the wiki on ODBII codes. I have not coded or tested any of these yet.
I'm now using the Arduino 101 with the uGPS from Adafruit. Currently street testing.
I think I've got a pretty good system so far. Here's a link to the latest overlay test with Garmin's Virb Edit. The quality of the is ok. I'll need to run it through Compressor before uploading.
Here is another video scooting around by work in Akron.